QUERY: 3 quick questions about Terminal Services Admin
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Andrew Wan
2006-12-20 13:11:46 UTC
Q1. Is there a difference between Win2003 Member Server & Domain Controller
in relation to Terminal Services functionality, etc?

Q2. I want to setup Terminal Services login accounts for my clients.
Obviously I don't want to give them full Administrative powers. Is it bad
putting them in the Administrators group? Do they have to be part of Remote
Desktop Users group?

Q3. Is it possible to setup a Terminal Services account that will only show
one folder in Windows Explorer? eg C:\Customer\
Jeff Pitsch
2006-12-20 14:10:31 UTC
Post by Andrew Wan
Q1. Is there a difference between Win2003 Member Server & Domain Controller
in relation to Terminal Services functionality, etc?.
No except it is considered a bad practice to put TS on a DC.
Post by Andrew Wan
Q2. I want to setup Terminal Services login accounts for my clients.
Obviously I don't want to give them full Administrative powers. Is it bad
putting them in the Administrators group? Do they have to be part of Remote
Desktop Users group?
It is always a bad idea to give users administrative privileges on a
server. Do you really want them installing applications, virus's, etc?
As well with admin rights they would see everyones printers and get
really confused
Post by Andrew Wan
Q3. Is it possible to setup a Terminal Services account that will only show
one folder in Windows Explorer? eg C:\Customer\
A TS session is a desktop environment so whatever you can do on a
desktop you can pretty much do in TS. Now saying that, you could
specify a start up program through GPO, User account, RDC client, or RDP
file taht would start explorer with the switch to show that folder.
2006-12-20 17:31:20 UTC
In addition, the users should be members of the local Remote Desktop Users
group to provide local rights needed to connect to Terminal Server.
Guy Yardeni
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Post by Andrew Wan
Q1. Is there a difference between Win2003 Member Server & Domain
Controller in relation to Terminal Services functionality, etc?
Q2. I want to setup Terminal Services login accounts for my clients.
Obviously I don't want to give them full Administrative powers. Is it bad
putting them in the Administrators group? Do they have to be part of
Remote Desktop Users group?
Q3. Is it possible to setup a Terminal Services account that will only
show one folder in Windows Explorer? eg C:\Customer\